Horsebox gains?

We recently had this Renault Master horsebox in for our speed limiter removal service. A great example of what a noticeable difference we can make with our tuning services here at Bluespark.

The customer came to see us, after being plagued with a speed limiter set from stock. They had recently purchased the vehicle, without realising the speed was restricted to 56mph. We connected to the ECU, made some quick adjustments, and now has full access to its capabilities.


We can make further enhancements on these, including our tuning boxes or remapping services, providing even more performance. For now, the customer was more than happy with the result of the speed limiter removal and will visit us again in the near future once they’ve had chance to become accustomed to it.

Check out an example of our speed limiter removal tuning services here, as we provided similar services and tuned this Ford Transit:

For more information on our speed limiter removal services, please visit:  

For more information on our remapping services, please visit: